Common Chiropractic Techniques for Back and Neck Pain

This article is perfect for scheduling an appointment with New Hartford Chiropractic in New Hartford, NY. Chiropractors can reduce inflammation and treat muscle tears. You should feel better within a few weeks. Here are some common treatment options chiropractors use to alleviate back and neck pain. Many people deal with back and neck pain due to soft tissue damage. The muscles and tendons may suffer from daily use. Chiropractors use multiple techniques to repair soft tissues.

Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy

Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy, Trigger Point Release Therapy, or Trigger Point Massage is a manual therapy technique used to alleviate muscle pain and dysfunction. It focuses on identifying and releasing trigger points, which are hyperirritable knots or tight bands of muscle fibers that can cause pain in other bodily areas. This treatment is designed to relax connective tissues throughout your body. The result is long-term relief from neck and back pain.

Spinal Adjustment 

Severe back pain can make basic tasks like walking or sitting down difficult. A spinal adjustment is a form of chiropractic care that checks your spine for misaligned vertebrae. Our chiropractor will massage your spinal cord and ask you to perform light movements. This treatment helps realign your spine, easing pressure on inflamed back muscles.

Drop-Table Technique 

Another popular chiropractic treatment option involves tables. You’ll be placed on a table with a drop piece. The drop-table technique, or Thompson Technique, is a chiropractic adjustment method to address misalignments and dysfunctions in the spine. It involves using a specialized chiropractic table with sections that can be raised and then quickly dropped, providing a gentle thrust to the targeted area of the spine.

Chiropractic Manipulation 

Studies show that the lumbar region is most people's most common source of back pain. Our staff offers natural lumbar treatment. You’ll be positioned on your side while we stimulate tender areas and relieve pressure.

Flexion-Distraction Therapy

Flexion treatment is designed to help people suffering from serious trauma, such as a herniated disk. This therapy involves using a specialized chiropractic table that can move and flex to provide controlled stretching and decompression of the spine.

New Hartford Chiropractic Can Help Treat Painful Areas

We proudly serve New Hartford Chiropractic in the New Hartford, NY, area! Schedule an appointment by calling (315) 738-1800 if you have constant back or neck pain. Several treatment options are available to help you get back to peak condition.
