Whiplash and How to Treat It

Whiplash is a soft tissue injury that occurs when you forcefully bend your neck forward and back or vice versa. Although it can affect anyone at any age, it is more likely to cause lasting injury in older adults and women because they are typically more susceptible to muscle and bone injuries. Notably, whiplash is a fairly common injury, and we get several cases at New Hartford Chiropractic Center in New Hartford, NY. 

Causes of Whiplash

A whiplash injury can occur anytime a sudden motion causes your neck’s tendons and ligaments to stretch and tear. Common causes include the following listed below:

  • Car collisions
  • Horseback riding
  • Contact sports
  • Cycling collisions

Usually, you will notice symptoms of whiplash within 24 hours after the incident. However, the symptoms may take a few days to manifest and last several weeks. These symptoms may include blurred vision, constant tiredness, headaches, and dizziness.

How to Treat Whiplash

There are different ways to treat a whiplash injury–depending on the extent of the damage. For instance, an auto accident injury might be too severe that you need professional help. Seeing our chiropractor would be an excellent place to start.

There are other treatment options besides chiropractic care. For example, you can stretch your neck daily but wait until the worst pain has gone. Warming the neck with a heating pad is also a brilliant idea.

It is essential to practice good posture to treat whiplash. When you are sitting, avoid crossing your legs. When standing, ensure you focus your weight on the balls of your feet and keep your knees slightly bent. Lying ensures the mattress is firm and comfortable.

Preventing Whiplash

There are specific strategies to prevent whiplash injuries. For instance, you can adjust your car seat and headrest correctly to minimize your chances of whiplash. You can also change your steering wheel to level with your chest, not your face.

Treat Your Injuries with New Hartford Chiropractic Center

We understand that you can still fall victim to a whiplash injury, no matter how careful you are. When that happens, you can always count on New Hartford Chiropractic Center for personalized care in New Hartford, NY. Contact our office at (315) 738-1800 to schedule an appointment.
