Common Airbag and Seatbelt Injuries

When you are in an auto accident it is common to have airbag and seatbelt injuries. These two safety devices protect you from being ejected from the vehicle, but in doing so they may cause injury. In New Hartford, NY, the chiropractor at New Hartford Chiropractic Center provides the evaluation and personalized treatment that you require.

Neck Injuries

Whiplash is one of the most common injuries suffered by those who have an auto accident. When the impact of an accident is violent enough to engage the airbag, it can also engage your neck in a forward and backward motion, which leads to severe soft tissue pain and may result in the misalignment of the vertebrae in the neck. Chiropractic adjustment can help things get back into alignment.

Shoulder Injuries

The seatbelt is made to restrain you and keep you from being thrown from the vehicle. However, that restraint can also cause you to end up with a very sore shoulder. Our chiropractor will evaluate your shoulder, do an adjustment if it is out of alignment, and then may decide that cold laser therapy followed by therapeutic exercise is what your treatment should be.

Back Injuries

Back injuries can be debilitating and the result of the force of an accident can cause muscle trauma. It can also cause spinal misalignment and, in more serious cases, a herniated or bulging disc. Getting back into alignment may not be enough to help with the herniated disc. Spinal decompression can help the herniated disc to return to its place as a cushion between the vertebrae. Cold laser therapy helps with healing at the cellular level when there is soft tissue injury and pain.

Schedule an Appointment with Our Chiropractor in New Hartford, NY

If you have been in an auto accident, one of the first things to do is to contact a chiropractor. New Hartford Chiropractic Center, also serving Utica, NY, can help to treat your auto accident injury. Give our office a call to make an appointment as soon as possible
